We are human, social beings. We are surrounded by people throughout our lives,some are friends, some go beyond that and some….. leaves or should be thrown out. Friendship or any relationship that toxifies your life. Needs to go. Harsh it sounds but one would rather have few genuine friends then having million fake friends or “frenemies” the term Sounds familiar eh? Yes we all have such creatures in our life once a while. This word is the collaboration of the word, friend and enemy.
Frenemies are generally the “friends” who come in your life with a very sweet talk and by showing the best in them for their own selfish motto. We accept them for what they show us,not realizing the dagger they carry behind their back.Not judging our self; we could be too naive or may be completely unaware of their intentions.
So what do we do? How do we know that we have Frenemies?
I can say its better to be very cautious with all the relationship in life. Be very alert.Test people,Its completely fair to do so. People who are toxic will show the hint in some form or the other you just have to aware and alert enough to recognize them.As and when you do, dont procrastinate but take the action there and than.Still for instance frenemies will always comes to u when they are in need, it could be financial,emotional,physical anything they dont really bother what is in your life but will jabber about theirs as if u have all the free time in the world to listen to their nonsense.Emotionally they will exploit you by pointing out your faults and calling it “your benefit”. Your emotions are weakness and exaggeration for them thus they will completely disregard them. Truth said,no body is perfect and friendship out of all the relationship should be based on sole acceptance of each other.You begin to lose strength and positivity of your own and start becoming like them. They tend to prosper after you coming in their life where as your life goes down the drain. Nothing in your life goes right till they are there, and you sit back and watch their life soaring .This happens because they are sucking life,prana out of you which in tern becomes their prosperity,leaving you soul less.. We all make mistakes, thats what keeps us beautifully human but when our faults are magnified, and shown to other friends with the intent of disrupting friendship between two friends is the wonderful and clever work of frienemies. A genuine friend will never quote anyone and wont click your personal conversation and show it to the world with the intent of ruining your friendship.Yes and those who believe such people, are also weak human themselves.The real friends rather call you up and talk it out and clear the issue,for them you are more valuable than the rumors spread about you.
They say, friends are the relatives you choose. Are frenemies worth this? I dont think so. In the end who loses? The one with sincere heart. Why get into this then? Why make your loss, their gain? Such people, without a second thought should be UNFRIENDed from LIFE, forget social networking. There is really no point in dragging such friendship that is based on lies, deceit,humiliation. One should love themselves enough to set the boundaries and not let such people cross it.If they do ,do yourself that much of favor to kick them out.Friendship if was long and old will hurt like hell, it will , you may go through anger, hurt, sadness every emotion on earth.Though toxic , you will miss the birthdays, the meetings, the fun, drives in the rain everything. It is completely fine to go through all this, this too will teach you a lot. They just make the whole drama for you so real that you will just get entangled in those memories,till you break free and realize that never sacrifice long term happiness for short term gain.Once you begin to heal you shall see the fictitious nature of such friendship. At a point its better to not have friends then having bunch of these. They really do no good to you.
On the brighter side, we all are blessed with at least one friend who is a real sweetheart. Who actually stand by you, treat you fair and love you for being YOU. Be grateful. They are the ones who have scored A+ in the tests of fire. Such are the ones who should be worth calling a friend in the first place. Focus on them. You will attract positive things and more positive friends once you let go of the wrong ones but dont forget to Thank the darkness because they are the ones that give you the value of the Light.
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