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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Spirituality- et all

Knowing Half truth is more dangerous than knowing the full, they say. These days, this truth is said, known and twisted to the maximum. To call oneself spiritual has become a symbol tht says "Im different", most of them not even being aware of what the word spirituality means. One wants to be different, so call oneself without the depth of the subject.

To know what u are, first you have to know what ur not. Same goes with this word. Spirituality is not an absence of religious belief and worship, its about oneness , the ultimate truth.Spirituality is  not what u Say. Its all about what you ARE.We are the soul having human experience and not other way round. Its about living with the LIGHT, acting in a righteous manner,being AWARE- of your actions,words,intention. 

A spiritual being is NOT some avataar from some far away galaxy, they are not perfect themselves, they are also HUMAN- that level of perfection can only be expected from God. We still go through the same ups and downs that everyone else does, we are same flesh and blood as any other being. I often get comments from the people as "oh how can u do this?how can u get angry?how can u feel depressed? you are spiritual being" Yea as if we are demi Gods incarnated itself (unless we are and we arent aware of it.lol) Stop putting YOUR boundries and pressure on us in the name of spirituality. We never claim to be different. Through out the history and mythology, every God that incarnated had only one message,they ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN REST OF US. Kingdom of GOD resides in all of us the same. ITs only matter that they realise it, believe it and LIVE IT. and others look for someone else to give their power to rather than believing their inner light.

Spirituality is not even doing thousand courses and spending huge amount on them. It is just filling peoples pocket and getting a certificate that says you are this and this.When it is just the matter of realization that you are everything that u seek. Of course energy exchange has to be there but not that much that the learner in the end is struggling to pass his rest of the months. and for the love of God, spirituality is not dealing with demons and conspiracing against the earth. Its not also to visit every temple and sit high up on the peak of the mountain waiting for some divine being to give u your wish (brrrrr, it could be damn cold out there, unless ur up for such an adventure)Anyways Deities have better and important work to do then granting people their wishes which may involve destruction on Earth ;p

Every fiber of every universe is as equally spiritual as rest of us who knows we are.God has not made anyone less or more. What people have become is through their own hard work and effort to be like God or be far away from him. His love is so pure that his children who chose the other path is also not judged,condemned or isolated. They are given the same help , love and acceptance as any of us to change, to be better, to be like him. If wasnt for his love the universe would collapse into a small dot.-----------

Its only matter of realization

Coming back to the word- Spirituality is so simple that few words are enough to define it (and few paragraph to define what its not).

  • Unconditional love towards everyone and everything.
  • Surrender and trust to the divine and his plan.He takes care of the tiniest detail of your life( what was your contribution of becoming whole being from a tiny cell,NOTHING,its HIM who intervened)
  • Manifesting humility (ego gets u practically no where)
  • Meditating -which is our way "to keep in touch" with God and Divine beings and our only tool to survive in this insanity.
  • Oneness - we believe that everything and every being has the same God energy which includes a single sand on the beach too.Whatever we do has the ripple effect throughout the universe.
What do people need to do in order to be spiritual?was once asked, its simple, LIVE the above qualities and know that UR ONE with the LIGHT of GOD,nothing else is to be done. I hope this must have cleared some cloud hovering. Thus, do not judge, live n let live with happiness,peace and LIGHT. 

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